Friday, March 9, 2007

Job Search

Right now is a very exciting time for me. I am a senior and I will be graduating in May. Yes, May. Just a couple of weeks away it seems. The pressure is on. Everyone keeps asking me where I am going to go and what I am wanting to do. I don't know. People are acting like I should already have a job lined up somewhere and I haven't even sent out one resume yet. I am so excited and so scared at the same time. My degree is so versatile. I could work for a huge agency. I could work for a sports team. I could work for a corporation. I could work in politics. I can do anything. That is the huge advantage and disadvantage of a CCPA degree. I can do anything, but I have so many choices that I don't know where to begin. Now I the time I wish I majored in rocket science or something so I know exactly where to go. I wonder if anyone else feels the same way that I do. Right now I am focusing on big agencies, but they don't really have any entry level positions open. Sure I would love to just jump in as a VP somewhere getting a VP salary, but that isn't going to happen. I am also going to a job expo for the Dallas Stars and a bunch of other sports teams so I hope that gets me somewhere. Wish me luck!

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